
Aspirations of world domination

The entire world will beg to bow before me, their charismatic despot. MUUUUUUAAAAHHH!
I am often accused by friends and co-workers of plotting to take over the world, but I assure you, I don't really have aspirations of world domination. I mean come on, what kind of arrogant prick would I have to be to believe I could rule the entire planet? I'm just looking to change my immediate surroundings for the better. Is that so wrong?

My most recent undertaking (what is this a morgue? anyway....) is a grand plan to clean up and beautify my block.

The neighborhood I live in could be described as "transitional" or "up-and-coming." If you walk three blocks east, you come to half-a-million dollar condos, but walk three blocks north and you'll find a "blue-light district" with drug dealers on every corner.

My block is somewhere in the middle. There's no one yelling "ready-rock, ready-rock, I got the rock" on my corner or anything, but there are some lingering sketchy corner bars where gun fights are the norm, and there's a lot of garbage on the streets and no one cleans up after their dogs.

Instead of sitting around and passively bitching, I have decided to take action. I am applying for a "block beautification" grant from the city. If it works out, I will assemble a small army of neighbors to pick up garbage, plant flowers and kill the weeds that plague our sidewalk and back alley. I also hope to use the money to get trash cans, with lids, for all my neighbors.

Also, I am attending a Highlandtown Arts! meeting next week to find out about tax breaks for community art projects and to meet representatives of local art groups. This is step one of my goal to turn the big, blank, brick outer wall of my home (I have an end unit rowhome) into a canvas for a giant, sparkly mosaic. Step two is to take a class on making mosaics, where I will learn to cut glass and mirrors among other techniques. I am thinking that I will do a mosaic garden scene, with the help of some local arts organization. Finding an organization to collaborate with will be step 3.

So, there it is. My (not-so) evil plot to "take over" my block.


  1. good for you!
    I know that guy who does the sparkly mosaics here has a workshop a few times a year. You can totally crash at my place if you attend.

  2. in an anti-valley girl way.. you go girl! that's so impressive and i'm so proud. you've inspired me, as always.. there are many things i could do around my neighborhood!

  3. aw thats wicked awesome of you. really, thats just what more people need to do

  4. wow..kudos to you! that's a pretty awesome thing to do.

  5. ohhhh! reading this made me so excited!!! i love when people see a problem and do something about it! i look forward to regular updates. :)

  6. That sounds great. The wold surely needs people like you...:)
    Keep up both the good work...ur blogs and ur plots to "take over"..

  7. Ok..its you again...came here via the blog roll and followers group...and since am already here...lemme say this: i found ur blog one of the most appealing one in terms of content in this blogsphere.

  8. A mosaic would be beautiful!

    I hope you get your community grant-- it sounds like it will be a lot of work, but definitely be worth it in the long run.

  9. Everyone--thanks for your support and encouragement. The HA! meeting is tonight, so hopefully I will have more information about my plans for the mosaic project posted soon.

    Garf-- Thanks so much for your kind words. Do you say that to all the ladies? ;)
    Seriously, you made me blush...

  10. hey you, i'm not quite sure where we got the bean bags but i will find out for you! they are the most comfortable things...ever. and from what i heard they werent too expensive either! hope you're having a great day!
