I don't judge people based on superficial standards. My friends range from scientists and educators at prestigious institutions to career bartenders and construction workers. I have friends who grew up on the streets, as well as friends who lived in mansions as kids. If you put all of my friends together in a room, you'd think you just stepped into a commercial for the UN or something. My friends come in all shapes and sizes, all colors and shades, all religions and sexual orientations. I even have a friend who's a Republican. GASP!
This is not to say I am indiscriminate. Just this weekend a friend of mine, gave me an interesting compliment. He said: "When I first met you I couldn't figure you out. I couldn't understand why you got along with me but didn't like my friends. I thought you were snobby, but then you wouldn't like me...." He continued: "You aren't snobby, you just know what you have and appreciate it."
My friend hit it on the head. I am not snobby. What I am is a real-no-bull-shit person. I judge people and accept them as friends based on their ability to laugh at life and themselves, their willingness to talk openly and honestly, and the way they treat other people . I don't see eye-to-eye with all my friends on everything, but I respect their convictions and confidence in their thoughts and beliefs.
Life is too short to allow yourself to be bogged down with people you can't trust, people who aren't nice or people who don't treat you well. You have a choice. I have a choice. I choose to surround myself with "real" people. Fuck da' bullshit!
The Wife in Stilettos is a strong, brave woman. Around Mother's Day, she wrote a series of beautiful poems to her mom. To open-up and speak honestly in such a public way takes a lot of guts. Also, not to long ago, I read a post by The Wife in Stilettos where she wrote: "We're in limbo. The husband and I may be in Canada today, but we quite frankly don't know where our shoes may take us tomorrow." I respect and admire her ability to face life's uncertainties shows with a care-free and fearless attitude.
She recently (by recently, I mean sometime last month) bestowed upon me "One Lovely Blog Award." Thanks lady!

Be sure to check out The Wife in Stilettos!
Your pretty cool M.J.
ReplyDeletePost more often!
That is a great attribute to have...I like the fact that you don't take people's bullshit because society says that you should. Surround yourself with people that love and respect you and you are golden...I found that out after many years of putting up with assholes who I thought were friends.
ReplyDeleteThat is a great attribute to have...I like the fact that you don't take people's bullshit because society says that you should. Surround yourself with people that love and respect you and you are golden...I found that out after many years of putting up with assholes who I thought were friends.
ReplyDeleteGreat attitude! I feel like I am much the same way :)
ReplyDeletei love the way you put that.. it really pushes my buttons when some people have to have certain friends with certain backgrounds. one of my best friends is 42.. a year younger than my mother (i am 22) and she is one of the most dear people in my life! if you can make me laugh, will stand up for me when i am not around, and dont take yourself too seriously...then we are good to go! have a wonderful afternoon :)
ReplyDeleteMara, you are always a breath of fresh air to read...how lucky am I that I get to be reaquainted with you via the blogshere.
ReplyDeleteYou know how sometimes you know something, but it takes someone else to say it for it to really make an impact, well that's how I felt when I read your post. I know life is too short to deal with other people's bullshit and sometimes I feel like I'm not a good friend if I don't listen, but then again, out of respect to my friends, I don't burden them with my stupid shit, that doesn't even really matter in the grand scheme of things.
ReplyDeleteI love stopping by your blog and gaining perspective which usually happens, so thanks for that!
I love it that you don't take bullshit and you are choosy about who you're friends with. So many people are only friends with people they think they should be friends with, or people who will make them look better, or only people who are just like them. UGH!
ReplyDeleteWow, thanks for all the kind words everyone! It's nice to know that you enjoy reading what I write. Really, thanks!
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful thing to do on your blog! I love it!
ReplyDeleteawww... thanks for the kind words, mara! (*hugs*)
ReplyDeleteyou really seem to be a pretty awesome person as i get to know you through your blog by the day. i'm so glad to have met you in the blogosphere.
and... this is yet another thing we have in common, i must say. some of my friends would wonder how i am able to associate myself with my other friends. like you, i simply respect how no person is alike in many ways.
I'm way behind in doing these posts on my own blog. (As with many other things). It's really an awesome thing to do, for ourselves and our gals. Also: Wanted to apologize for not commenting- I lost track of your blog in my list some how. Today it re-appeared ~ Yay!
ReplyDeleteoh what a great idea! i think it's great to treat everyone as equals but unfortunately it's hard for me. i'm more apt to think lesser of myself than other people. =/