
Day 2

This is my second day as a non-smoker.

I won't lie--It sucks.

I like smoking. I enjoy pulling the hot smoke into my lungs, gently taping the cigarette to keep the ashes from falling...ahhh, memories. My brain is split in two. There's a big part of me that says, "yeah, I know smoking is bad for me, but who cares? I will die eventually one way or another. Is lung cancer really that bad."

Yes, lung cancer is that bad. I watched my grandmother wither away to nothing in a hospital bed while cancerous cells devoured her lung tissue and eventually took her life.

I have been lying about my new-found smoking habit to my family and co-workers. I had to either come clean about smoking or give it up. I chose to give it up. I'm angry and annoyed. I just want a cookie, no, make that lots of cookies. I'm irritated. I can't keep my thoughts straight, much less write a coherent blog post.


  1. I quit in 1994. It's one of the hardest things you'll ever do but you can do it!

  2. You can do it! My grandmother died of lung cancer also from smoking her whole life. It's not a way to go if you can help it. I can't imagine anything worse than slowly smothering to death.

    Stay strong and have a few cookies!

  3. I quit smoking a couple years ago. Every time I see someone light up I still miss it! But I'm much better off... Sigh.


  4. I recently quit smoking too, but I used to absolutely love it, there was something so contemplative about lighting up, breathing in and then releasing that would put me in a very special place that I can't seem to find anymore without smoking. I thought I would never be able to stop, but when I finally did it I knew it was for the best.

    GOOD LUCK MJ! You can do it, we can help!

  5. ahhhh good luck to you... stick wtih it!!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I miss having a cigarette while I sit outside with a good book... or that long trip where the only thing breaking up the monotony is a cigarette... I'm probably not helping here am I? LOL You can do it Mara. Do it one day at a time. Each day think to yourself... I just made it thru 3 days now ... and four days now... and so on. Soon you'll be to a month or 6 months and you won't want to screw all that hard work up.

  8. Brava, MJ!

    I'm a smoker, but I think it's wonderful that you've decided to stop. Perhaps one of these days when I'm ready, I will too.

    The best to you!

  9. You could always get knocked up - ha! That's what finally got my mom to quit (cold turkey, the day she found out she was pregnant with me). Still my proudest accomplishment to date.

  10. coherent, perhaps not. heartfelt, definitely. all the best

  11. The first week is the hardest...once you get past that, you can definately handle it. I won't lie, you will always miss it. My love affair with the Marlborough Man lasted from 16 to 23, I still dream about him.

  12. Thanks everyone for your support! This is actually the second time I will have quit smoking. I had quite for a couple of years, until I went to Israel in March. I started smoking from time to time on that trip, and I continued to be an occasional smoker until the end of the summer when I became a full-blown smoker.

    BS--That is something to be proud of :) Personally, I'd rather die of emphysema at 50 than be knocked-up in my 20s. Sad, huh?

  13. I have no doubt that you can do it. None at all.

  14. yeah, don't get pregnant.

    plus, when I was pregnant all I wanted to eat was cigarettes. Weird, I know. I still want to eat them right before my period.

    Eating them might not be so bad for you tho, right...

    You can do it. You've done it before!

  15. Oh dear, are you doing it cold turkey? I remember when my ex was trying to quit, the first days were a nightmare (for both of us). He was irritated a miserable all the time, but it got better after a few moths.

    Like Lora, I know you can do it! And do have your cookies, even if someone tells you that they aren't that good for either. We need to die of something, don't we? I choose death by cookie ;)

  16. I whole heartedly support you in your quest to quit smoking. I'll even bake and send you some cookies, if you like. Just let me know!!!
