
For me? You shouldn't have!

I recently joined "20 Something Bloggers," a group very enthusiastic and supportive group of bloggers with lots to say. Since joining 20SB, I have added a number of new blogs to my reading list, gained new readers and even received an award from The Novelista Barista! I am happy to have met Novelista in the blogosphere--she is super-friendly, very open and shares my love of travel and desire to make this world a better place. Be sure to check her out!

This award is dedicated to those who love blogging and love to encourage friendships through blogging and seeks to find the reasons why we all love blogging.

Each person who receives the award is obliged to show thanks by posting the award on his/her blog, giving a shout out to the person who gave the award, and to answer the following question: "Why do you love blogging?"

Blogging helps me deal with the craziness that life throws at me--I sort out my emotions and thoughts through writing. Also, I love the community aspect of blogging. Through blogs, I meet and connect with people I probably would never have had the opportunity to know otherwise. People really are more the same than different--the abilitiy to build support networks of friends from all over the world through blogging proves it!
Without further ado, here's a list of five bloggers with whom I'd like to share this award:

  • Lora at "Jakezilla"
    Lora introduced me to this whole blogging thing, so I can't think of a more worthy person to receive an award for people who "love to encourage friendships through blogging." Lora is a great writer, who is not afraid to tell it like it is and encourages two-way communication with her readers.

  • Joe Ordinary at "Ink for Thought"
    Joe Ordinary writes from the heart and has been all over 20SB trying to make connections with other bloggers and find new ways to encourage his readers to engage in conversation.

  • Patrick at "Engineering My Life"
    A very active member of 20SB, Patrick writes about everything and anything, from politics to daily life. Check him out!

  • Greg Santos at "Tactical Diversion"
    Tactical Diversion is unique, creative and hysterically funny. Greg encourages readers to submit their own content to be published on his site. He was one of the first people on 20SB to welcome me to the group.

  • Lizzi at "Life According to Lizzi"
    An artist, writer and mother (and much more, I'm sure!), Lizzi's blog posts are always insightful, yet light-hearted and visually interesting. If you leave a comment, Lizzi is sure to keep the conversation going by responding back.


  1. Congrats on the award! I agree, the Novelista Barista is a pretty cool bloggerfriend.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks for the award and the compliment and congratulations to you! And now I'll have some more blogs to explore.

  4. MJ, 1st congrats! You deserve that award. 2ndly, You're just awesome, but I'm sure you already knew that. And 3rd, thanks :) I try to show interesting people some comment love, and it's good to be noticed for it.
    Lastly aka 4th, I just love knowing someone I can call MJ, it makes me feel all Spiderman like =P

  5. The Spiderman comment by engineeringmylife mad my morning!
